
Benefits of Always ON

Flawless Wireless Connectivity

Businesses of all sizes, working in-office, hybrid, and remote all depend on reliable internet connectivity for their daily operations. Unfortunately, many offices have limited Wi-Fi range within their buildings, remote locations with poor service, and other internet issues limiting their business capabilities.

Addressing these issues are crucial for immediate and long-term productivity. Accessing fast and reliable internet connections are directly associated with successful customer and client communication and transactions.

Some of the following internet related business needs include:

The Downside of Downtime

Primary internet connections often experience outages or poor-quality service, which is a costly loss for data, time, and dealing with downtime.
Studies reveal:

*Survey by CA Technologies

Providing Solutions to
Businesses and Employees

Wireless Failover

Providing a reliable point of failover; allowing businesses to remain operational despite any type of internet issue.

Fast and Reliable Wi-Fi

Offering fast Wi-Fi connections throughout office buildings or in areas where Wi-Fi availability was not an option before.

Mobile & Remote Workforce

Hotspots that switch carrier towers as workers move locations, providing a consistent connection through one data plan wherever a person goes. This helps field workers, traveling agents, or executives who need to work while traveling.

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